July 11, 2007

Catholic and child free; PMO

Well my search into Catholic, but child free didn't yield much. It could be I'm not the best at searching the Internet. All I could find was Purple Women & Friends.

This site isn't what I was looking for. As far as I can tell, it's Catholic women who support birth control use and we aren't talking NFP.

I was looking more for, "We've tried everything and now realize, although we'll be open to children until the day we die, we don't actually expect to conceive one. So what's next?" Couldn't find that group of women out there.

On a higher note, after two phone interviews, I have a face-to-face interview next Thursday. This job is perfect for me. It's a start up of a PMO. And unless you know what that is, you probably aren't thrilled! But if you do, you know it would be great fun to be involved in a start up. Especially since this is a Forbes top 50 company. I can't tell you how much I want this job. I'd work for free on it actually, just because it's going to be such an interesting project. I expect to learn a ton. And that's what I look for in a job, the learning experience. I hate to be bored.

So, I'll be reading about PMOs over the next week, get the hair cut, check the suit I plan on wearing, etc.

Wish me luck!


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

My sister was married for 7 years before she had a child -via adoption. She is (was) Catholic and child-free and didn't find a lot of support either. Most people just assumed she was a cafeteria Catholic who used birth control.
There are others out there - maybe you'll have to make your own support group!

Petrus said...

I'm with mihehimama on this. I know several truly Catholic couples who suffer from infertility - and I think it is very hard for them to find others like them - and of course, they all seem to get the same assumptions.

You might want to check out "One More Soul". At the very least, you might find a Catholic fertility doctor in your area that can help you find others in your situation. I know one woman who travels an hour for a fertility doctor because he has such a great grasp of Humana Vitae and is supportive in helping them have children "the Catholic way".

FloridaWife said...

Besides Small Treasures, I also like A Catholic Mom in Hawaii. She's linked on my blog. (She also suffered from infertility and adopted.) I find her posts incredibly uplifting.

HappyAutisticMama said...

Thank you for posting this. I've been frustrated by the lack of Catholic infertility support. I've thought about starting my own group but I'm afraid of it turning into an IVF group even if it was held at our parish:-( I did bring up the idea of a Theology of the Body group but even that didn't go over well.

I know the church has so many high-priority issues to tackle. Part of me thinks that, if they have to choose, infertility should be lower then, say, pro-life ministry. But, then, infertility support could be a pro-life ministry. So many Catholic women still don't know that IVF is wrong, or why.

Anyway, I could go on, but thanks for your post:-)