June 20, 2007

I'm so happy for this family at Perfect Work.

The baby is so beautiful; the parents so blessed. It's hard for me to confess that even with my happiness for them, I feel sorry for myself.

Everything is a grace, everything is the direct effect of our father's love - difficulties, contradictions, humiliations, all the soul's miseries, her burdens, her needs - everything, because through them, she learns humility, realizes her weakness - Everything is a grace because everything is God's gift. Whatever be the character of life or its unexpected events - to the heart that loves, all is well.-St. Therese of Liseux.

This is a quote Perfect Work referenced in a recent post. It's a beautiful reflection on the gift of suffering. I suffer from infertility with little hope of resolution besides a miracle. I am having a hard time today (not always), in accepting this suffering as grace. Right now I'd take a baby over this "gift" in a heart-beat.

I wonder if I should start avoiding the blogs with resolved infertility and maybe search for blogs about moving past infertility and living child-free? I wonder how many Catholic blogs there are out there on this topic? I'll have to start checking and get back to you on what I find.


Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

I learned so much from Jennifer at Perfect Work about grace and suffering. She went through her fourth, fifth and sixth miscarriages while I was in the conversion process, and I was stunned at how she handled it. Before reading her posts I didn't even know that suffering could bring you closer to God.

I'm so sorry that you feel down. Do you ever read Small Treasures? I'm not sure if her blog is what you're looking for, but she's a really inspiring person, and I don't think that she and her husband were ever able to conceive.

FloridaWife said...

I love Small Treasures!!! Read The Infertile Catholic post!!!!

HappyAutisticMama said...

While I don't plan on living child-free for my whole life, I am trying to cultivate an attitude of letting God bless me with a baby in His time. I'm going through testing and clomid now but, as soon as the testing is done, I don't plan on doing anything else. I want to enjoy this life while it lasts, even without children. Eventually we'll either find out we're pregnant or we'll adopt, but adoption is still a long way off. I, too, like blogs in which the women are trying to enjoy their life while still coping with infertility. I like the blog Texas Twosome (http://alexisandryan.blogspot.com/). Reading their blog makes me want to stop the clomid and go on vacation:-)