August 9, 2007

Front loaders can felt!

For those of you waiting for the results of my experiment with felting in a front loader, it can be done.

I put it through once on hot, in a pillow cover, no spin. Didn't felt enough, but no creases. So, I put it through a second time, gentle spin with 3 tennis balls; just the right felting, some creases.

For future projects, I'll go with the no spin, but with tennis balls and probably put it through twice.

I've blocked the bag and don't think the creases will come out 100%, but since none of them are deep, I don't think it's going to detract from the bag. It certainly doesn't affect it's usefulness. It's the first bag I've done with pockets and a thread through cord for handles instead of sewing them on.

If I get the chance, I'll post pictures.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Ok. Time for a new post :)

Let's see some of those projects.

And I did answer your question about those baby hats on my blog, but just in case you didn't get it, they're from a book called Itty Bitty Baby Hats.

Have a good day!