August 9, 2007

Happy Rain!

Ah, rain! It’s a beautiful thing. I’m so happy it’s raining. People talk about perfect weather being sunshine, steady temps year round, but for me, it’s all about the changes. Stinking hot, then cooling rain. I love it. But, then I love humidity too! In fact, the few times I’ve been in San Diego, Colorado and Arizona I couldn’t stand the lack of humidity. I think humidity is great for your skin; or at least for mine.

I’m felting. I’m felting a bag that I love. I’m afraid, because it’s the first time felting in my new front loader. I’ve been sitting downstairs watching it go around, wondering if this is going to work, is it going to crease, am I going to have to run it through 3 hours of cycles? I researched on the web and found mixed reviews. Some say yay, some say nay. Some say it depends on the machine itself. Regardless, I got tired of looking at the finished bag and had to do something. So, I’m going for it!

We are headed down the shore this weekend. It’s with mixed feelings that I go. These are details for another post, but in a nut shell, when my father died last year, our place on the bay passed to my step-mother. So, a few weeks back, we arrived to find all our personal belongings packed up. It’s an interesting development. I really need to post on this, but the details will have to wait. To be fair, the place does belong to SM. So, being proactive, we are buying our own place and are very excited about it!

We’ll be spending the weekend with our two adorable nieces, 6 and 4 years old. What fun! I can’t wait to splash in the water, roast marshmallows and enjoy them. They love their aunt and uncle and are very excited we are going to share this time with them. I am grateful I have a sister-in-law who shares her little ones with me.

My mother says I am a mom to many children, just not my own. I am learning to take comfort in this as my role, perhaps the role God planned for me. I feel blessed to be trusted with other people’s children. Mothers need people like that in their lives. And today, that’s me.

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

What a blessing you are to your sister-in-law and nieces. You're clearly a mom at heart!