May 17, 2009

Entry 6

We are settling into a routine in the classroom. The students recognize me and say hello when I come in.

Today Ms. L was getting report cards ready and I was able to help her. One part of report cards is attendance. I was amazed to see that some students had missed up to 24 days of school. Of course there were also students with perfect attendance.

One female student will often mouth-off at me. Today she asked me, "Isn't it time for you to leave yet?". Ms. L sent her to the principle. When the student came back she was humble and politely said, "Ms. B., I'm sorry.". I told her it was okay and I understood.

Many students do enjoy having me in the classroom and ask when I'll be back again and if I'll eat lunch with them. They are so sweet. I want to take them all home.

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